Estudo das Características de Combustão de Combustíveis à Base de Parafina em Foguetes Híbridos


The main objective of this project is to conduct experimental and numerical investigations into the liquid film behavior and combustion mechanism of paraffin-based fuels that can be applied to hybrid rockets. Through this research, we aim to develop a profound understanding of the combustion characteristics of paraffin-based fuels and establish a combustion model for metal particle-enhanced fuels suitable for practical and high-performance applications, leading the innovation in hybrid propulsion technology that goes beyond the mere application of existing theories and techniques. This innovative research is not only applicable to actual launch vehicles but also contributes to the development of space technology by providing new insights and technological advancements to hybrid systems utilizing paraffin-based fuels. The international collaborative research project involves expertise from various fields, including the universities of UnB, UFABC, and USP in Brazil, as well as HRPL (KAU) in Korea. Through collaboration between researchers from both countries, we aim to advance hybrid rocket propulsion technology and establish a sustainable cooperative network.

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